Integrating Wellness Support For Independent Living Communities
Certified, local caregivers are ready to help your residents — all at the touch of a button.
Empower your community with care they control
It has never been easier to offer trusted concierge-care services to your residents. The CaringOnDemand network of providers is available at the touch of a button to meet whatever care your residents need.
Extend length of stay
Extend resident length of stay by providing 24/7 access to ADL assistance and empower families to control how and when they receive care.
Empower your community
Residents can put in their own requests at their convenience through the app or a centralized care kiosk that provides 24/7 access to professional caregivers for ADLs and companionship.
Seamless integration
Conveniently integrate robust wellness services without having to build your own care team.
Impress prospective residents
Promote CaringOnDemand as the perk and benefit that keeps control and transparency in the hands of your residents and their families.
Get started now
Get started now
See what CaringOnDemand can do for you and your community.
“Caring on Demand has enriched the overall experience of the Residents at our community and even our team members' experiences.
When a prospective Resident tours the building the platform is mentioned as an enhancement to what we offer at The Residences. In fact, a representative from COD often is present for these tours! Family members and residents feel safe knowing there is a platform that all providers go through to upgrade the security and delivery of services. Prospective residents often have converted to Residents knowing there is an option for affordable care should they need it and no minimums. Together we strategize on the best options for our Residents to age in place with grace!”
— Rachel Capone, LMSW —
Executive Director